Trout Fishing in America: Richard Brautigan.


Despite praise and recommendations from leading literary figures, no publisher would accept Brautigan’s manuscript for Trout Fishing in America. James Laughlin at New Directions passed it to G. P. Putnam’s Sons, who forwarded it to Dell/Delta who sent the manuscript back to G. P. Putnam’s Sons, who said they would be happy to consider it for publication, but rejected the manuscript in August 1963. Donald Allen then sent the manuscript to Coward-McCann who rejected the manuscript.



The smell of e-books just got better!

Does your Kindle leave you feeling like there’s something missing from your reading experience?

Have you been avoiding e-books because they just don’t smell right?

If you’ve been hesitant to jump on the e-book bandwagon, you’re not alone. Book lovers everywhere have resisted digital books because they still don’t compare to the experience of reading a good old fashioned paper book.

But all of that is changing thanks to Smell of Books™, a revolutionary new aerosol e-book enhancer.

Source: Smell of Books.

Faber offers poetry e-books with audio.

Faber has launched a series of digital-only poetry e-books being described as “a new way to appreciate poetry”.

The Faber Voices series of e-books presents selections of each poet’s work with a line-by-line synchronised recording of the author reading their own poems.

The series, launching with work from Ted Hughes, Seamus Heaney, Philip Larkin and Wendy Cope, is built with Epub 3.0 and available on the Apple iBooks platform.

Henry Volans, head of digital at Faber, said: “Faber Voices has the potential to bring poetry in its spoken form—read by the poets—to a larger audience than ever before. In harnessing the recordings to the written works in a single e-book we believe we are presenting a new way to appreciate poetry.”

The four launch titles are just the start of what Volans promised would be “a significant new list designed to grow as e-books themselves become ever more sophisticated”.

Each title is priced at £2.99.

Source: The Bookseller.

What’s the future of the e-book?

Half a decade into the e-book revolution, though, the prognosis for traditional books is suddenly looking brighter. Hardcover books are displaying surprising resiliency. The growth in e-book sales is slowing markedly. And purchases of e-readers are actually shrinking, as consumers opt instead for multipurpose tablets. It may be that e-books, rather than replacing printed books, will ultimately serve a role more like that of audio books—a complement to traditional reading, not a substitute.

Source: Wall Street Journal.