Flash fiction competition – closing date March 25.

Get your entries in for Bloomsbury’s Flash Fiction Challenge:

Can you write a story in 200 words or less?

To celebrate the continuing rise of the short story and following on from the huge success of last year’s competition, Writers & Artists andBloomsbury are delighted to announce another Flash Fiction challenge.

For this year’s competition, we’d simply like you to write a story of no more than 200 words based on the theme of ‘alienation’ and/or ‘the quest for belonging’.

And to tie in with this theme, we’ve asked Roshi Fernando, author of Homesick, to judge all of this year’s entries.

The lucky winner will receive not only a bundle of all our short story collections published from this year and 2012, but also two tickets to see George Saunders discussing his new collection Tenth of December.

Jon McGregor (IMPAC Award-winning author of Even the Dogs and If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things) will be chairing the event, which takes place on Wednesday 29 May.

Info here.


The B S Johnson Journal.


BSJ is a new peer-reviewed journal aimed at promoting the work of B.S. Johnson through academic criticism, essays, interviews, review and creative work. Affiliated with The B.S. Johnson Society, the journal seeks to reflect the multi-disciplinary approach of the writer himself whilst celebrating and analysing his on-going influence within contemporary culture.

Source: A Piece of Monologue.

To Drift or not to Drift?

Consultations, debates, referenda, plebiscites and digital riots are taking place as to whether tomorrow’s planned Lincoln Drift by the Writing MAs is going to take place, given the presence of SNOW.

At the moment the temperature’s higher than yesterday (no wind chill factor) and there isn’t much of the damned stuff lying about – certainly not in town, anyway.

In the meantime, here’s a light piece of my prose you may care to read over The Fortnightly Review:

OUT OF MY window at the moment I can see a hesitancy of snowflakes in the garden. They look and move more like small white moths than snowflakes, rising and falling in the breeze. There aren’t many of them, thank heaven. It’s March already and still the winter, like a less-than-ideal guest (Cyril Connolly, for instance), can’t bring itself to leave…

The Larkin and East Riding Poetry Prize 2013.

The prestigious Larkin and East Riding Poetry Competition is now open for entries.

Shortlisted entries will be judged by one the UK’s most influential poets, Jackie Kay. Poems are submitted anonymously so each entry is judged on its own merits. Winners and commended poets will be invited to read their poems at the Bridlington Poetry Festival (14-16 June 2013) in the company of some of the UK’s finest poets, including the Prize’s Judge, Jackie Kay.

Further details here.