Poems wanted from Lincoln MA writing grads for Siren Radio.

This is a message to all former and current grads of the MA.

I’ve been talking with Alex Lewczuk, founder of Siren Radio, the University’s community radio station, and one of its regular presenters, about getting some creative writing input to the radio.

My initial idea is to invite grads to submit some short pieces of their writing to be recorded for transmission on Siren. Poems fit the bill because they’re short, but there’s no reason we can’t think about longer prose pieces as well. Grads could read the work themselves or we could get someone else to do that for them. We can also consider the idea of having grads talking about their writing.

Recorded material would be preserved as a podcast on Alex’s radio site, Southside Broadcasting (and therefore available for replay on the internet), and you would have the benefit of the podcast as a promotional tool.

If you have any pieces you’d like us to consider, just email it to me at my University email.

More publishing success for Shirley.

One of our grads, Shirley Bell, has a poem in The North 52 AND she is a Poet of the Week on the Poetry Super Highway (Facebook group) – “online during the week of June 23-29… and then forever thereafter on the Past Featured Poets archive section.”!

More about Shirley at her blog.

The Shakespeare’s Birthday/St George’s Day Field Trip.

Our Shakespeare’s Birthday/St George’s Day Jaunt to Tupholme Abbey; followed later by visits to the bookshops of Horncastle, including The Most Dangerous Bookshop in the World (Tim Smith Books).

Ranin and Chelsea selfie

Ranin and Chelsea selfie

Frank thinks of Britt Ekland

Frank thinks of Britt Ekland

Joel looks at a pond

Joel looks at a pond

We eat pizza

We eat pizza

This is another pond

This is another pond

Ranin gets to go into an English field

Ranin gets to go into an English field

Joel’s photos from the Lincoln Drift 2014.

Frank looks like he's enjoying himself.

Frank looks like he’s enjoying himself.

That way, I said, and they all ignored me.

That way, I said, and they all ignored me.

Celia takes stock.

Celia takes stock.

Annie writes.

Annie writes.

Claire looks thoughtful.

Claire looks thoughtful.

Chelsea also is thoughtful.

Chelsea also is thoughtful.

Ranin looks worried.

Ranin looks worried.

Pigeons on the roof, alas.

Pigeons on the roof, alas.



The Fourth Lincoln Drift

Photos from the Fourth Lincoln Drift:
“Who You Looking At?
Weird Beastie
Weird Beastie Looking On.
Reflective Students
There’s more to this than meets the eyes (ie, you can see two students reflected in the window).
Student Accomm
At the back of student flats.
Get Writing
You may be having a coffee but you’ve still got to write something.
Get Writing 2
That includes you.
Studious Student in Bookshop
How to look studious in a secondhand bookshop.
It Always Ends With Cake
It always ends with cake. Today, for Ranin’s birthday.

New poetry: Poetry of Hospitals and Waiting Rooms, Shirley Bell.


New from redplantpress, Shirley’s latest collection of poems written during the time her husband was waiting for his triple heart bypass.

You can buy the book from Amazon here, and read more at Shirley’s blog. Any profits will go to the British Heart Foundation.

And while we’re at it – congratulations to Shirley on getting her MA in Creative Writing!

Two poems by Susan Flower: “Homecoming” and “Bolsover Castle”.


I take the Romany’s sprigged heather,
tuck its pink tight buds curled like
baby fists tight as a talisman,
blue with longing, into my bag.

I am pierced mid-flight
by a hint of traveller she sees
within – an Irish woman
on the grandmother side,

Ellen Glancy unschooled, catholic
in tastes and religion,
pawned her soul for potatoes
that lay rotting, bleeding
into darkened sod.

Her pilgrimage to England
and Alfred, then retracing steps
to Enniskillen for the wedding,
returning to peg washing
not in a whipped north-easterly
which cut the souls.

Back across grey waters
fretful and choppy, till her own
broke a tidal wave, her firstborn.
Homesick for emerald patches,
a mercurial sky tilting meniscus,
struggling for freedom.

Iron rain lashes my face,
her slashed smile a rent petticoat.
Merging the troubles one with another,
I take her hand in mine,
it lies still but warm, without
need for words.



I stride the battlements; crenelated Portland stone,
Sheer five hundred feet below grassy fields.

A twenty-mile fish-eye panorama of peaks;
Arkwright’s Sutton Hall, Bess’s glass Hardwick.

Beyond receding greens to softened hues, greys
Through anthracite, slate, to a sooty-blue meniscus

The wind moans the miles, traps whispers in
An ancient avenue of limes to the riding stables, keep.

I descend eroded limestone steps, scoured clean
By tides of serfs; stranded in landlocked Derbyshire.

by Susan Flower (alumna 2010-2011)

The Black Path free literary event, Wed 23 October.

Don’t forget that there will be a free reading of work from The Black Path by last year’s students on the MA Creative Writing course.

The reading will take place in MC0025, 12.00 – 1.00, Wednesday 23 October (2013). Work will include poems, flash fiction and extracts from longer pieces.

Everyone welcome.

The Black Path – MA students publish their first anthology.

Students on the 2012-2013 year of the MA in Creative Writing have published an impressive paperback anthology of their own work.

The Black Path 1 (a second collection is nearing completion) comprises poems, flash fiction, short stories and novel extracts written by the students during the course of their studies.

What’s special about the book is that the students took the publishing initiative themselves, building on what they had learned during the MA. All the writing, collation, editing, design, typesetting and marketing is student-driven. Overall Editor is Shirley Bell, already a well-published poet.

The Black Path 1 is 132 pages long and can be bought from Amazon at £6.58.

A reading by contributors to the anthology will take place in the University on Wednesday, 23 October, 12.00 – 1.00 in room MC0025. More details to follow.

Contributors: Shirley Bell, Cassandra Cash, Stephen Blessett, Laura Clipson, Tina Daley, Stewart Norvill, Muayyad Elwaheidi, Jennifer Fytelson, Joel Leverton, Ian Turner, Matt Ellis and Rosemary Temple.