Poetry Boom Boom

So poetry staggered into the twentieth century and by the end found itself in what was to become the tiniest ghetto of minority tastes and obsolescent arts, outclassed even by jazz, opera and classical ballet. The arrival of new technologies that gave rise to film and recorded music pushed it even further into the margins.

Read the rest of my article at The Fortnightly Review.

Trout Fishing in America: Richard Brautigan.


Despite praise and recommendations from leading literary figures, no publisher would accept Brautigan’s manuscript for Trout Fishing in America. James Laughlin at New Directions passed it to G. P. Putnam’s Sons, who forwarded it to Dell/Delta who sent the manuscript back to G. P. Putnam’s Sons, who said they would be happy to consider it for publication, but rejected the manuscript in August 1963. Donald Allen then sent the manuscript to Coward-McCann who rejected the manuscript.

Source: Brautigan.net


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